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If you received a violation notice, you will need the notice number, license plate of the corresponding vehicle, and a valid payment method to pay the violation or dispute the violation through your E-ZPass account.

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Toll Modernization July 25, 2019 Board Materials (08-01-2019 - updated toll rates for Pay-by-Plate 3+ axle vehicles from N/A to cash rate on pages 10-14) Proposed Toll Rate Ranges ICC and ETL: Yellow highlight denotes change

Accept and Begin Enrollment Be sure to retain your toll ticket and transaction record. An in-lane camera will capture an image of the license plate, and the vehicle owner will be mailed a TOLL BY PLATE invoice (cash rate) within two weeks. Upon receipt of the invoice, you have 20 days to pay online, over the phone or by mail. Manage your account, pay your bill, and more. GET MORE PURCHASING POWER If you have a large or routine purchase to make, we have the financing solutions that can help fit it into your budget. Renew or replace your plates at DMV2U or by mail. Follow instructions for your situation below.

Drivers on the Illinois Tollway system are required to pay unpaid tolls online. Customers who do not have I-PASS are required to pay their missed tolls online within 14 days. Click below to learn how to pay your unpaid tolls online.

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Renew or replace your plates at DMV2U or by mail. Follow instructions for your situation below. If renewing online or by mail, we will mail you a temporary permit to use until your stickers arrive. If you are applying for new plates online or by mail, it may take 20 weeks to receive them. How to Pay Online. To make an online payment, you must access your tax statement from the Statement Search and Payment screen. Then, click the Pay Online button to: Make full or partial payment by entering the specific amount to pay.

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On this page, you can either Pay or Appeal an outstanding violation.