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– Twitter hack. Ačkoli Bitcoin nikdy hacknutý nebyl, z mnoha mainstreamových médií je nyní bohužel slyšet o BTC v souvisloti se slovem “scam”. Samotný Bitcoin však, stejně jako každá jiná technologie, není dobrý nebo špatný, vždy záleží na tom, jak jej použijete.
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V utorok 1. 5. došlo k prevzatiu oficiálneho Twitter účtu kryptomeny Vertcoin hackermi. Tí ihneď zverejnili podvodný tweet s ponukou bitcoinov zadarmo – podmienkou bolo zaslať zlomok bitcoinu na zverejnenú adresu, za to mal odosielateľ získať počas krátkej doby väčšiu sumu.
Oct 14, 2020 · The high-profile hack saw several celebrity accounts taken over by a bitcoin scam that promised victims a 100% return on their investments. In addition to Obama and Musk, the hackers were able to
Sociální síť Twitter zažila největší hack v historii. Účty přes 130 známých osobností byly hacknuty a propagovaly podvodné schéma, ve kterém figuroval Bitcoin.
Jul 28, 2020 · However, it was not Bitcoin that was backed, but the centralized social media platform, Twitter. It is Publicity for Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency. According to LunarCRUSH , a Crypto social media tracker, there was a total of 550,000 Cryptocurrency-related posts within 24 hours on Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, and Medium.
Ak sa hekerom podarí prienik do vášho profilu na niektorej zo sociálnych sietí, respektíve do firemného mailového systému, je to nepríjemná vec. V prvom rade treba o veci informovať zamestnancov, ďalšie dotknuté strany a odpojiť napadnuté profily – a na ne naviazané aplikácie – od intranetu.
The official accounts of Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter and even Apple, have been requesting users to send Bitcoin (BTC) so as to receive double the amount of BTC back. Jul 15, 2020 · By Wednesday evening, the Bitcoin wallets promoted in the tweets had received over 300 transactions and Bitcoin worth over $100,000, according to websites that track Bitcoin’s public ledger of Jul 31, 2020 · Twitter said on Thursday the hackers used a phone “spear-phishing” attack to target Twitter employees. After stealing employee credentials and getting into Twitter’s systems, the hackers Jul 17, 2020 · The hackers behind a Bitcoin scam targeted 130 Twitter accounts in the July 15 attack on high-profile figures, the company said. Jul 16, 2020 · Prominent Twitter accounts apparently hacked, asking for Bitcoin. Joe Biden and Barack Obama were among the accounts hacked. By Mark Osborne. July 16, 2020, 4:00 AM • 7 min read.
Twitter pomalu vrací účty jejich majitelům poté, co jeho tým řadu z nich dočasně odstavil, aby podvodníci nezískali ještě více pozornosti a obětí. Výbor pro obchod amerického Senátu požádal Twitter, aby ho stručně informoval o incidentu , ke kterému došlo v noci na čtvrtek. Nejsem Japonec, jen pro tvoji informaci: Roth Wellden (Adam Jícha) má hacknutý YouTube účet a další YouTubeři mají stejný problém. K dnešnímu dni je jich více jak 13. Announce BTC Giveaway - první krypto-SCAM na YouTubery.
But not everyone within the industry shares this view. Jul 31, 2020 · A 17-year-old in Tampa, Florida, is accused of taking over the Twitter accounts of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Barack Obama and numerous other celebrities to scam people into sending the teen bitcoin. Wednesday, at around 2:15 p.m. EDT, prominent Crypto Twitter accounts started sharing a similar message about a bitcoin giveaway. A couple of hours later, Elon Musk and Bill Gates were saying they Oct 14, 2020 · The high-profile hack saw several celebrity accounts taken over by a bitcoin scam that promised victims a 100% return on their investments. In addition to Obama and Musk, the hackers were able to Jul 16, 2020 · Updated 6:29 PM ET, Thu July 16, 2020 New York (CNN Business) Wednesday night's Twitter hack was not a good look for Bitcoin. Hackers took over accounts belonging to such well-known figures as Elon On July 15, 2020, between 20:00 and 22:00 UTC, reportedly 130 high-profile Twitter accounts were compromised by outside parties to promote a bitcoin scam.
Výbor pro obchod amerického Senátu požádal Twitter, aby ho stručně informoval o incidentu , ke kterému došlo v noci na čtvrtek. Nejsem Japonec, jen pro tvoji informaci: Roth Wellden (Adam Jícha) má hacknutý YouTube účet a další YouTubeři mají stejný problém. K dnešnímu dni je jich více jak 13. Announce BTC Giveaway - první krypto-SCAM na YouTubery. Není to první případ, kdy někdo hacknul účet známému YouTuberovi a začal streamovat livestream… Jul 16, 2020 · Make no mistake about it: the Twitter hack that saw the accounts of some of the world’s most powerful people tweet a Bitcoin scam is a massive problem. But if all the hackers wanted was to scam Jul 16, 2020 · Billionaires Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates are among many prominent US figures targeted by hackers on Twitter in an apparent Bitcoin scam.
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Bitcoin Community Affected By The Twitter Hack Whale Alert, a popular cryptocurrency tracking provider, tweeted that its services are negatively affected. The anti-hack measures put in place in by Twitter in response to the attack means that the service bot will not be able to tweet any transfer through Twitter, but can still add transfers through Telegram though.
The Bitcoin scam saw dozens of high-profile accounts send tweets urging users to transfer $1,000 (£794) with a link to a Bitcoin address. No, the Twitter Hack Wasn’t About Bitcoin The motivations and implications of a Twitter hack that had everyone from Coinbase to Kanye shilling a scam for bitcoin. Twitter účty nadnárodních společnosti jako je Apple, Cash App a Uber byli rovněž hacknuty. Hackerům se podařilo odcizit Bitcoiny v celkové hodnotě přes $100,000. její hodnota se přirozeně zvedne. Dne 15.07 se tak na chvíli stalo a Bitcoin byl svým způsobem na Twitter … Twitter Hack, Not Bitcoin Scam.